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Jazz Meadows: Broadcast Snippet

May 16 2003 9:58 AM MDT

JAZZ MEADOWS is unsure what to make of the scattered reports about an "incident" at the Black Mesa Research Facility. His voice sounds shaken.

JAZZ Well folks let's uh... let's take a call. ...... Jim from Las Cruces, you are on the air, hello.

JIM's voice is hard to make out. He is shouting.

JIM Jazz? You there?

JAZZ Yes Jim, I'm here.

JIM Well Jazz, I'm--I'm calling from the Texaco off I-70 and I just saw a buncha green military lookin' trucks screaming east!! Towards that research base you're talkin' about! I was listening to your show when they hauled ass past me, must have been goin' 80 or more. Jesus that was close. Anyway I--I pulled over and called you right away 'cuz I thought you should know.

JAZZ That's... crazy, Jim. Could you see what was in those trucks?

JIM What? Oh uhhhhh, not really, I did catch a view inside one of them and it almost looked like GI's in full dress, but I really don't know. It coulda been anything but that's what I saw.

JAZZ Was there anything else with them? Other vehicles?

JIM No but--Oh shit! There's more! That's a full tractor trailer bed! Looks like uh... big vehicles under tarps. I dunno. Jeezus they're going fast!

JAZZ Maybe it's not--

JIM One of the jeeps is pulling off the highway comin' my way. I think I should get out of here-- [The call ends abruptly]

JAZZ Uhm... Let's take another.