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Boreal Alyph: Scraps


Of course she had heard the legends. The rumors. The silent talk of the Physicist whispered in bunk rooms and side passages. It seemed that everyone in this godforsaken place believed that the Physicist would provide them deliverance before the end of all. Everyone that is, except for her.

Aperture Base Discovery

At the resistance encampment:

ALYX: But we know exactly where it is! Why can't we just go straight there?

KLEINER: It is much too dangerous. The Combine must be crawling over the ship by now!



ALYX: Our scouts say that there's a some kind of facility about half a mile from our current location. It could be what we're looking for.

Upon getting close to the base...

ALYX: There it is!

Character Idea

A former Combine officer with few body modifications, some pieces of armor fused to their body. Bald. Wears loose clothes to cover the Combine tech. Their memory wasn't wiped. (how did they ascend to officer without that? maybe they're a member of Hahn.)