Here is some basic documentation for the protocol that ROTT uses to communicate
between the client and server for COMM-BAT. This information is sourced from
the GPLv2 source code provided by Apogee Software on December 20th 2002. All
values shown are assumed to be in little-endian byte order.
Simple Types
- [U8] - Unsigned 8-bit integer (unsigned char)
- [U16] - Unsigned 16-bit integer (unsigned short)
- [I16] - Signed 16-bit integer (signed short)
- [U32] - Unsigned 32-bit integer (unsigned int)
- [I32] - Signed 32-bit integer (signed int)
- [STR] - String with ASCII encoding (char)
Complex Types
Data Type | Description |
U8 | Character |
U8 | Uniform Color |
STR | Codename (9 bytes) |
Data Type | Description |
I32 | God Mode Time |
I32 | Dog Mode Time |
I32 | Shrooms Mode Time |
I32 | Elasto Mode Time |
I32 | Asbestos Vest Time |
I32 | Bullet Proof Vest Time |
I32 | Gas Mask Time |
I32 | Mercury Mode Time |
I32 | God Mode Respawn Time |
I32 | Dog Mode Respawn Time |
I32 | Shrooms Mode Respawn Time |
I32 | Elasto Mode Respawn Time |
I32 | Asbestos Vest Respawn Time |
I32 | Bullet Proof Vest Respawn Time |
I32 | Gas Mask Respawn Time |
I32 | Mercury Mode Respawn Time |
Data Type | Description |
U32 | Gravity |
U32 | Speed |
U32 | Ammo |
U32 | Hit Points |
U32 | Spawn Dangers |
U32 | Spawn Health |
U32 | Spawn Weapons |
U32 | Spawn Mines |
U32 | Respawn Items |
U32 | Weapon Persistence |
U32 | Random Weapons |
U32 | Friendly Fire |
U32 | Light Level |
I32 | Kills |
I32 | Danger Damage |
U32 | Time Limit |
U32 | Respawn Time |
Packet Structure
Packets always start with a U8 value defining its type. This allows for 256
possible packet types. Packets have a maximum size of 2048 bytes.
Packet types
0x01 | Movement Queue
Data Type | Description |
U8 | Packet Type |
I32 | Packet Time |
I16 | X Velocity |
I16 | Y Velocity |
U16 | Z Height (absolute?) |
U16 | Player Button State |
0x02 | Request Packets
Data Type | Description |
U8 | Packet Type |
I32 | Packet Time |
U8 | Number of Packets |
0x03 | Fixup Packets
Data Type | Description |
U8 | Packet Type |
I32 | Packet Time |
U8 | Number of Packets |
* | Packet Data |
0x04 | Text
Data Type | Description |
U8 | Packet Type |
I32 | Packet Time |
U8 | Destination Player |
STR | Text (33 bytes) |
0x05 | Pause Game
Data Type | Description |
U8 | Packet Type |
I32 | Packet Time |
0x06 | Quit Game
Data Type | Description |
U8 | Packet Type |
I32 | Packet Time |
0x07 | Sync Time
Data Type | Description |
U8 | Packet Type |
I32 | Sync Time |
0x08 | Remote Ridicule
Data Type | Description |
U8 | Packet Type |
I32 | Packet Time |
U8 | Source Player |
U8 | Unknown |
U8 | Destination Player |
0x0A | Respawn
Data Type | Description |
U8 | Packet Type |
I32 | Packet Time |
0x0B | Unpause Game
Data Type | Description |
U8 | Packet Type |
I32 | Packet Time |
0x0C | Server Data
Data Type | Description |
U8 | Packet Type |
I32 | Packet Time |
U8 | Number of Packets |
* | Packet Data |
0x0F | Game Description
Data Type | Description |
U8 | Packet Type |
U8 | Player ID |
U8 | Violence Level |
U8 | Product ID |
U32 | Game Version |
DESC | Player Description |
0x10 | Game Play
Data Type | Description |
U8 | Packet Type |
* | Dummy Data (20 bytes) |
0x11 | Game Master
Data Type | Description |
U8 | Packet Type |
U8 | Level Number |
U16 | Map CRC |
U8 | Violence Level |
U8 | Product ID |
U8 | Mode |
U32 | Game Version |
U8 | Teamplay |
SPECIALS | Specials Times |
BATTLETYPE | Battle Mode Options |
STR | Level Filename (20 bytes) |
I32 | Random Seed |
U8 | Ludicrous Gibs |
DESC[] | Array of Player Descriptions (11 if registered, 5 if shareware). |
0x12 | Game Acknowledgement
Data Type | Description |
U8 | Packet Type |
U8 | Player ID |
0x13 | Game End
Data Type | Description |
U8 | Packet Type |
I32 | Packet Time |
0x13 | Sync Time
Data Type | Description |
U8 | Packet Type |
I32 | Sync Time |
0x16 | Movement Queue and Sound
Data Type | Description |
U8 | Packet Type |
I32 | Packet Time |
I16 | X Velocity |
I16 | Y Velocity |
U16 | Z Height (absolute?) |
U16 | Player Button State |
U8 | Sound Packet Type |
* | Sound Data (256 bytes) |
0x17 | Exit Game
Data Type | Description |
U8 | Packet Type |
I32 | Packet Time |
0x18 | Game End
Data Type | Description |
U8 | Packet Type |
I32 | Packet Time |
0x19 | Null Movement Queue
Data Type | Description |
U8 | Packet Type |
I32 | Packet Time |