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FTEQW uses GLSL for all of its shaders, with the legacy Quake 3 shader format acting as the glue between the raw textures and the GLSL.

A standard "wall" Q3 shader in FTEQW might be located at mygame/scripts/brick.shader and might look like this:

// material name used in level file
	// glsl program to use
	program defaultwall

	// diffuse texture file path, relative to gamedir
	diffusemap textures/brick/wall001a.tga

defaultwall is the embedded GLSL shader in FTEQW for anything that is not water, sky, sprites, or models. These shader files are present in FTEQW's source code, but you can also dump them with the console command r_dumpshaders. diffusemap is an FTEQW-specific shortcut that passes the texture name into the GLSL shader as the diffuse sampler.

Here is an incomplete list of the FTEQW shortcuts for passing samplers to GLSL shaders:

Here is an incomplete list of the default shaders, and their uses:

These can be used in any Q3 shader with program <name>. Any Q3 shader file with the extension .shader in the scripts folder of your game or mod will be automatically loaded by the engine.

Example Code

Here is an example of a very simple defaultwall.glsl replacement. It only takes a diffuse sampler, an optional fullbrightmap, and a lightmap:

!!ver 130 460
!!permu FOG
!!samps diffuse lightmap fullbright

varying vec2 txc;
varying vec2 lmc;

#include "sys/defs.h"
#include "sys/fog.h"

	void main()
		txc = v_texcoord;
		lmc = v_lmcoord;

		gl_Position = ftetransform();

	void main()
		// diffuse sampler
		vec4 diffuse = texture2D(s_diffuse, txc);

		// apply lightmap
		vec3 lightmaps = (texture2D(s_lightmap, lmc) * e_lmscale).rgb;
		diffuse.rgb *= lightmaps.rgb;

		// apply brightmap
		#if defined(FULLBRIGHT)
			vec4 brightmap = texture2D(s_fullbright, txc);
			diffuse = brightmap * brightmap.a + diffuse * (1.0 - brightmap.a);

		// final color
		gl_FragColor = fog4(diffuse * e_colourident);